About This Blog

I have been a fan of Superheroes ever since I was a little girl.  My favorite stories were always the ones where Lois Lane is in danger and it looks like the end, but at the last minute, Superman swoops in and rescues her and scoops her up in his arms and flies off into the sunset and tells her how much he loves her and they get married and then they have kids and...uh, come to think of it, my memories of those actual cartoons I watched as a girl might be a bit compromised.  Anyhow, there's just something downright appealing about a love story involving amazing powers, disguises, and threats from sinister villains who can manipulate the very elements to suit their whims.

Of course, there seems to be a sentiment among some that the Superhero genre should be about and for single guys who think a "relationship" is possibly some kind of sailing vessel.  Fortunately, this opinion is not the only opinion out there, and if blogging about dating sims for girls has taught me anything, it's that if you look for good things, you will find good things.  So, the search is on, and I am now off to look for things that promote the mushier side of mysterious men in masks, so I can share them with the rest of you!

What kind of things, you may ask?  Well, not straight-up fan-fiction, because that would be too easy; I'd have thousands of posts for the contents of www.fanfiction.net alone.  (Although, it might be a good idea to have something set aside for fanfic recommendations, so I'll think about that.)  So, let's say any medium with pictures.  This includes comic books, strips, webcomics, cartoons, movies, shows, visual novels, videogames...and probably some things I haven't even heard of, yet.  Be it canon or fan-work, serious or silly, color or black-and-white, it's all welcome.

Friends, I am a girl.  And I Ship Superheroes.

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